As the regulator of radio activities the Agency ensures the implementation of field laws and public policies, and strives within its authority to create suitable conditions for radio stations to operate. In this scope the Agency monitors developments in the radio market and prepares regulative approaches. Through active participation in discussions with local stakeholders and at the international level it establishes and implements best practices in the local environment.
In the scope of regulation of the radio market the Agency processes the applications for performing radio activities, keeps registers of the holders of licenses for performing radio activities, prepares and manages public tenders for awarding the rights for digital terrestrial dissemination of radio programming, processes the applications for the status of local, regional and student stations of special importance, and verifies the fulfilment of special programming obligations in procedures for obtaining the status of a non-profit station of special importance.
In the scope of supervising the radio market the Agency verifies compliance with the rules on advertising, in-house production, shares of Slovenian music, obligations from the licenses for performing radio activities and the fulfilment of special conditions for the status of local, regional, student and non-profit stations of special importance.