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Network statement

Network statement is an act of the public railway infrastructure administrator that details the general rules, deadlines, measures, and procedures related to allocating train paths and other infrastructure capabilities, charging usage fee for the use of public railway infrastructure, and providing a plan for efficiency.

The Network statement also includes information on additional and auxiliary services required for service provision in railway transport.

The Network statement is divided into six core chapters:

  • general information,
  • terms and conditions for equal access to public railway infrastructure,
  • railway infrastructure,
  • train path allocations,
  • services, and
  • usage fee.

The general framework of the Network statement, which is generally the same in all European Union member states, was adopted by the association of infrastructure administrators Rail Net Europe, with headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

The validity of the Network statement is set for individual timetable periods, which begin on the second Saturday at 12 AM midnight in December. The Network statement for a certain timetable period is published 12 months before it comes into effect. The administrator must publish the final wording of the Network statement at least four months before it comes into effect, and is obligated to ensure that the Network statement is in the appropriate format (on the administrator's website or in print) and available to all interested parties. During the time the Network statement comes into effect it may be changed or amended.

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