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Stations of special importance

According to the Media Act all radio and television stations of the RTV Slovenija public institute have the status of a station of special importance, and it is also available to commercial radio and television stations that submit an application to the Agency to obtain the status of a local, regional or student station of special importance, if they meet all the required legal conditions. This area is detailed in the Media Act and the Rules on stations of special importance.

The data on the holders of a status of a local, regional and student station of special importance are in the registry of radio and television stations.

The application for obtaining the status of a local or regional radio or television station must include:

  • request,
  • name of the applicant and their address or seat and
  • the legal representative or authorised person.

The applicant must also attach the following:

  • act on establishing a programming committee,
  • a programming concept,
  • planned weekly programming list and
  • current weekly programming.

 The application for obtaining the status of a student radio or television station must include:

  • their request,
  • name of the applicant and their address or seat and
  • the legal representative or authorised person.

The applicant must also attach the following:

  • legal acts that set that the publisher should use the surplus of revenue over expenditures only for the activity it was founded for, and set how the media should operate,
  • the method and conditions for appointing and dismissing the editor in chief, the legal relations between the publisher and the editorial board, the basic relations within the editorial board and the level of its autonomy in handling the relations within the editorial board in accordance with the provisions of the Media Act,
  • a printout from the Court Register of Legal Entities not older than 30 days,
  • programme concept and the weekly programming list, which makes it clear that the programming content is mostly intended for student public and/or the programme includes required programming content for student programmes and
  • the list of programme creators, which shows that most of those who create and disseminate the programming content of the student programme are students.
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